Kahoot Rocks - The Tutorial

Some Definitions

  • uuid - This is a unique ID, each Kahoot has it's own ID that can be used to host or get the answers for it. They look like this: 589c58ad-1115-4b91-a225-43fc3f739d60 and are kinda a pain to type in
  • query - A search query or search term that will be used to search for Kahoots

Auto Answer

"Auto answer" is split into two parts, auto answer and answer correct.

Auto Answer will answer questions automatically. It might get them right or wrong depending on your settings and the state of answer correct
Answer Correct will try to find the answers for the quiz you are playing. It requires either the uuid or a search query

Getting the quiz name

The best input for the bot is the query the host used to find the quiz, e.g if they typed in "film" then film would be the most accurate query. When the host starts the quiz, the quiz name will show on the screen briefly (example). It does not need to be entered perfectly unlike the uuid, however that will of course increase the chance of the bot finding it

Getting the UUID

The UUID can be read from the host's screen as long as they are not in fullscreen: Kahoot URL with uuid highlighted We are working on adding OCR which will allow you to take a photo of the screen and our software will do it's best to try to read the uuid from the image, however we do not feel it is accurate enough for release yet

Settings -

  • Enabled - Whether or not to answer questions automatically. The bot is allowed to guess if it doesn't know
  • Answer Delay - How long to wait before answering. A random value will be chosen per bot per question between these values


"Bots are not supported for 2FA games" - The pattern changes so quickly that it would be very impractical and slow (I've tested) and greatly increases the complexity of the code so is not worth it

Settings -

  • Name - The name of the bots. They will have the format NAME-NUM by default
  • Amount - How many bots to add
  • Random Names - Whether or not to use Kahoot's random name generator for their names
  • SyncJoin - Make all the bots join at the exact same time. Slower, but more impressive and difficult to remove

What is Kahoot Rocks

Kahoot Rocks is an alternative Kahoot client that acts like the original but adds many more features to make playing Kahoot much more enjoyable. Our features aim to make use of the Kahoot platform to the fullest extent possible, and if you have any suggestions for features we could add, we would love to hear from you in our Discord Server. We are also working on adding features for teachers, which we hope to release early 2023

Who made Kahoot Rocks?

Kahoot Rocks is built by a talented team of developers with years of experience reverse engineering and building upon web platforms. We previously made Rocks Network, and the world-renowned Quizizz cheat quizizz.rocks, before moving on to make numerous private cheats for GTA Online, finally returning to our roots by releasing the fastest and most advanced version of our site yet


Privacy is a big concern for us, and find the amount of tracking most sites do these days abhorrent. We also acknowledge that some tracking and analytics are necessary to maintain the site as they help tremendously with diagnosing and fixing issues. We use Cloudflare Analytics to track some generic stats about the users of our site, with no personally identifying information being gathered or stored. We use this data primarily to find performance issues on certain platforms, and to make sure the platform is usable on the most commonly used devices and browsers

Our Users

Our users are the reason we exist, so we are forever thankful for your support. We want our platform to be as simple to use and secure as possible while having the strongest, most advanced features of any Kahoot bot. We take pride in our community and while we have not maintained the discord server as well as we should, we are always working to add new features and content for our user base

Our Mission

We completely redesigned our site to be entirely focused on Kahoot, because it is our favourite platform and is the most lacking in terms of a good cheat. We do not believe in paywalls so we use ads to support the development and running costs of our site, but we aim to make our ads as discreet as we can while still generating enough income to make the sire viable

Why Kahoot?

Kahoot is a fun platform, and is a platform that we felt was severely lacking in a good cheat/hack so we set out to fill that gap, and make something people enjoy that works and is as customizable as possible. As said before, we have experience with other quiz services, and quite frankly they are significantly more annoying and aggressive towards these types of projects, whereas so far Kahoot have left us alone to do our own thing and let bored students have a little more fun with their service. If you are a representative of Kahoot reading this, feel free to email us at [email protected], we'd be happy talk about anything that concerns you

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